Sunday, January 06, 2008

Matthew's New Bike

This is the new bike that Matthew chose after Santa left one that was too big! He picked it out because one of his friends that moved had one. He said "I want this one like Gunnar, my best friend, that I miss so much" I think there might have even been a tear in his eye!!!

Did I mention the new bike has a water bottle. Of course, we don't drink from the bottle - we SPIT!

And I got a new camera for Christmas too - I don't think I would have gotten the water spewing from his mouth with the old camera!!!!


Anonymous said...

It was fun to look through your blog. Your two boys and our two girls will have to get together sometime (once they decide if they like older women). Stop by and see us if you ever come through Ohio.
Take care,
Penny Mizer

Anonymous said...

You write very well.