Sunday, January 27, 2008

How to spot a Hockey Mom.......

10. Has a dog named Zamboni.
9. Electrical tape & Fabreeze can be found in her purse.
8. Found a way to work $200. broken hockey sticks into her home decor.
7. In the back of her car you will find a fleece blanket & winter coat - in AUGUST.
6. The number of a dentist and orthodontists are on speed dial.
5. Instead of putting her kids in time out - she says she is sending them to the penalty box.
4. The bruise on her hand comes from banging on the glass above the boards.
3. Knows where to buy coffee at 4:30 am.
2. Shouts colorful metaphors at officials.
1. Can carry a 50 pound duffel bag, 4 sticks, a baby, and a cup of coffee - AT THE SAME TIME!!!!!

-from your favorite hip hockey mom.......

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