Saturday, October 18, 2008

Saturday Hockey Night at The Wagner's

For all of you who know us dearly, you know that we spend at least 1/2 of our lives at the hockey rink. Every Saturday is completely full of hockey. We start at 8:30am with Sam's practice, then Matthew has a game, then on some Saturdays Kurt has either a game or coaching at a Bantam (9th graders) practice.

Today, I remember my camera. There were a ton of people at Matthew's game and there are no bleachers, so it is difficult to get good shots. But here are a few that I thought were really cool.....I didn't get the best shot of the night, his first official goal....the winning goal for the game!!!

Then at Kurt's (#22) game, I got some really good action shots. The lighting is much better, the boards are cleaner, & there are only a handful of people there.....

For every minute we are running around from rink to rink, we love it & wouldn't want our Saturdays to be any different!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Wagner's!
You big hockey fans! Come and move up north to MN/WI where hockey is life. Love checking up on you're blog. Miss you guys!