Monday, September 04, 2006

Wasted Weekend

What do you do on a great 3 day weekend? Well, in the Wagner household we did NOTHING. Not really on purpose, it just turned out that way. Kurt caught what Sam had last week and it was 10x worse. He was laid out in bed, then didn't fell well enough to do anything else. So, basically I scraped all weekend. I was working on one last page, but my computer puked out while I was trying to save a page in progress and lost what I had, so that was it.

I was semi-productive today. We are back in school mode. The boys start preschool tomorrow. I think I am WAY more excited than they are. I know I will only have 8 hours a week to myself and most of that time will be spent on things for everyone else. I have to think that if I want to get a pedicure or sit in Starbuck's staring at the walls I CAN!!!!! It is 8pm here, the boys are watching one show before bed, the house is clean, lunches made, clothes set out for tomorrow, and I am relaxing and posting. Ahhhhh, I love schooltime.

I have to start some other projects around the house so I don't know how much scrapping I'll get done. I have to work on Sam's Christmas stocking and a few room painting projects. Hope everyone else had more of a productive weekend that us!

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