Thursday, May 18, 2006

Disney on Ice - The Incredibles

We took the kids to the Disney on Ice show. This year it was The Incredibles ( It was very cool. Usually these shows go along with the original movie, but this was was the Incredible family going to Disney World. A few people thought it was just a huge infomercial for Disney, and it kinda was, but we had a great time. We were a little worried on how Sam would be, but he did great. I think that he had a better time than Matthew. Every time someone who was selling something came by, Matthew said, "I want that". Well they did get 3 things - a Dash mask that came with cotton candy, a Dash light up sword, and a arm band. The arm band was actually FREE and all the kids at the end of the show defeated the bad guy by pushing a button. They turned out the lights and you could see all the lights from the kids arm bands.

1 comment:

The Oriental Express said...

Thanks for looking into my blog.

Your children are so ooooo cute!

May God bless your lovely family,

Choo Choo

P.s. Please look into my laughter/health blog