Well, I'm happy to say it is 9:30pm and I am about to go to sleep. Sam has not been feeling well for almost a week now - fever, diarrhea, diaper rash, and the a huge fall in the tub last night. We were getting ready to get into the tub and he just t-boned the edge with his stomach. He immediately complained of pain and stopped soon after. Well, he then began complaining about every 3 hours, EVERY 3 HOURS. And when I say complaining, I mean crying uncontrollably. At about 2 am, we were almost ready to take him to the emergency room. But opted not to since he was calming down. After waking up from my night time naps, I made the biggest mistake. I tried to look in the internet to figure out what was going on. BIG MISTAKE. I totally freaked out at what I found - everything from constipation to intestinal blockage. Needless to say I took him to the Dr. - everything is fine - he has a viral infection!!! Where as I'm glad it was nothing, I just hate it when the Dr. tells us that. "OK, give me your co-pay and take your son home and let him suffer for 7-10 days!!!!" As for his stomach, it could be gas from the viral infection or pain from his fall, which ever it is, he is ok from his fall.
Well, I can't even believe that I got two layouts done today but I didn't fell like doing too much but sitting around. The kit used is from
Atomic Cupcake, Fries with That.

This kit is from
Two Peas in a Bucket, annelangpap.
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