Flash to today. Had to take Sam back to the Dr. to check him out. He is fine. Then I took the kids to Central Market for some lunch, playtime, and shopping. They were great! Granted I did threaten them within an inch of their lives, but whatever, it worked. Now as Matthew plays quietly with his train and Sam is asleep, it seems order is restored to the Wagner household. Shhhhhh, I shouldn't say that too loud. Now the only thing that would make my day perfect is for hubby to NOT have to work late as previously expected and for me to make it to Preshool Mom's Night Out.
I did get on layout done yesterday during naptime. It was a monochromatic for a chat at Two Peas in a Bucket - I didn't win, but I thought it was pretty good!!!

Font: DaFont, Junko's typewriter
Effect: Atomic Cupcake, chipboard
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