We have this bucket in our pantry, it's called the "Boo Bucket", it's a bucket we received as a gift around Halloween that was full of candy. So as the months past it basically is the catch all candy bucket, or better yet as Kurt and I whisper, the crack bucket. First it was Halloween candy, then Christmas candy, then Valentine's Day, then Easter - you see a pattern, my kids get way too much candy!!!!
Well, every time the boys want a snack, they want the boo bucket. So time and time again I have had the discussion with them of the boo bucket has junk in it, it's not healthy and you can't have it e v e r y t i m e you want a snack.
Push came to shove last week and I couldn't take it anymore. Mostly what was left in the boo bucket was crap that even my hard up, detoxing, gotta get my fix boys didn't want, so off to the trash it went.
But of course, me being the smart Mommy that I am, I put the bucket back up there, so I could show them that they ate all of the candy and there was no more.
Then, of course, Sammie would not, could not believe that all the candy was gone, so this is what happened while I was getting ready for the day. He was so focused on getting that damn boo bucket down, he didn't even realize at first that I was taking his picture! And yes, that is our tall bar stools that he pushed across the entire kitchen. That is what tipped me off something was going on, I heard this weird howling sound, it was the bar stool taking off the finish on my wood floors!

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