Sadly, spring break is over and we had a very eventful, fun and exciting week. Here are the highlights......
First we started the week out with a trip to the ER. Sam-0, Scooter-1. While riding around, he fell down, as usual, except this time his face it the handlebar. With all the previous falls, the protective covering was worn off and he hit the metal. The eye was glued and 3 stitches to the cheek. The nurses in the ER said that he was the best child they have EVER had to stitch up. He even fell asleep while doing the stitches. Kurt said "Sam? My Sam?? The one who will cry for 20 minutes because we won't give him apple juice?"
The stitches were removed Friday and everything looks like it is healing very well.
First we started the week out with a trip to the ER. Sam-0, Scooter-1. While riding around, he fell down, as usual, except this time his face it the handlebar. With all the previous falls, the protective covering was worn off and he hit the metal. The eye was glued and 3 stitches to the cheek. The nurses in the ER said that he was the best child they have EVER had to stitch up. He even fell asleep while doing the stitches. Kurt said "Sam? My Sam?? The one who will cry for 20 minutes because we won't give him apple juice?"
The stitches were removed Friday and everything looks like it is healing very well.
On Monday, we headed down to Jones Creek to see Nannie and Paw. We were non-stop when we were there. First we went to Houston to the Museum of Natural Science. The boys basically ran through the entire museum, loving every minute of it.
Later that day, Matthew and Jordan went hunting for mud puddles. Thank goodness Nannie had rubber boots for them to keep dry.

On Wednesday, we went to the Kemah Boardwalk. We rode rides until I thought we would throw up, ate at T-Bone Tom's, then slept on the car ride home. It was so nice because it wasn't the spring break for the kiddos down there, so we were able to ride again, again, again, and again. We rode this bouncy one so much I was just about to hurl. Out of all the rides, this one made the adults want to jump off the pier. Of course, one of us had to always go because Sammie was about 1 inch too short to go by himself.

On Wednesday, we went to the Kemah Boardwalk. We rode rides until I thought we would throw up, ate at T-Bone Tom's, then slept on the car ride home. It was so nice because it wasn't the spring break for the kiddos down there, so we were able to ride again, again, again, and again. We rode this bouncy one so much I was just about to hurl. Out of all the rides, this one made the adults want to jump off the pier. Of course, one of us had to always go because Sammie was about 1 inch too short to go by himself.

Sadly, we left Nannie and Paw's on Thursday to head back to Austin. Daddy missed us and we had to get back so we could go back to the ER to have Sam's stitches removed.
On Sunday, Matthew had his first travel hockey game. The hockey boys headed to San Antonio to play two games. They lost, but they had so much fun, I don't think they noticed. In their defense the San Antonio team was made up of a lot of traveling 8 year old boys! So our guys held their own the best they knew how.

The overall results of Spring Break - Two Thumbs Up!!!!!
Now let's see if we can all wake up at the crack of dawn to make it back to school tomorrow!
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