Matthew's 5th birthday party. We had it a Inflatable Wonderland at Lakeline Mall. He had a great time. The only thing that went wrong was the cake. The place I ALWAYS go couldn't do it because they had too many weddings. So off I went to find a bakery that could do a kid's cake. Well, I had the hardest time. I didn't want to go to Lucy's because I've heard such bad things lately. All In One Bakery referred me to Russell's, who couldn't do it either because of weddings - what the hell - who knew October was a popular month for weddings. I finally found 620 Cafe & Bakery. Well the cake was crappy. First it looked like a 12 year old decorated it. Then when we cut into it, it didn't have a filling. I am so upset about the whole ordeal, I'm SERIOUSLY considering taking some cake decorating courses and learning how to make cakes for myself and anyone else who is upset about the bakery situation in Austin. Nevertheless, Matthew didn't realize anything was wrong - he had a great time.

Sam had his first school field trip to a pumpkin patch.

Matthew got to skate at an Ice Bats game during the period. He was so cute. Can you say hockey players are cute? Well, he was. They skated for about 5 minutes and during that time he was able to break away to skate along the boards to wave at the crowd. Always the performer. This was the only picture I got because my batteries went dead. I did get video, which is way more important.

And of course, Halloween. First we carved pumpkins. That is way overrated. I had to dig everything out myself. The boys didn't want to touch any of the yucky stuff. But they loved helping me cut them out. Matthew had to have a scary face and Sam wanted a happy face.

Then, we had a Halloween parade and singing performance at school.

And Trick or Treating and hanging out with the neighbor's for our Annual Halloween Party. Our neighborhood is so hilly, everyone in the cul-de-sac and next door comes over to our house to pass out candy, drink, eat, and have fun hanging out. The boys had so much fun trick or treating. Sam figured out real quick what was going on and raced to each house, saying trick or treat as soon as we got to the driveway, then saying thank you all the way back to the street after he was given candy.

Ok, I'm up to date as much as I can at this point. I already have some more pictures in my camera, so hopefully, I'll get those out asap and get back to blogger on a more frequent basis. Since this post took me about an hour, I WILL post more often.
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