Sam was not too excited about staying in bed this night. I'm not sure how this exactly happened. Did he fall asleep this way? Did he fall out of bed and wiggle until he was in complete darkness? I guess this is just one of these things Mom's will never know EXACTLY what happened.

As for Matthew, he is almost finished with the naps. He is good if he takes one ever 3rd day. This day he must have been so tired, that he just collapsed while playing fort. He kinda freaked me out. I was upstairs, cleaning something I'm sure, and I decided he was being too quite. So I went downstairs, called his name - no answer. Looked in his room - nothing. Looked in my stamping/exercise room - nothing. Then I started to get worried. Did I hear the garage door go up? Looked in the garage - nothing. Finally, I went back to his room and found.................

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