It was a very nice day, so I thought it would be great if we spent some time outside playing. Not to mention I thought it would be a great idea since I couldn't get rid of a headache I still had after 4 Advil, coke, coffee, and tea. Soooooo, we head outside. Everything is fine and dandy for about 20 minutes. Then all hell breaks loose. Matthew & Sam decided that they wanted to sit in the same chair and neither of them was going to budge. I got Sam out of the chair (because Matthew was the first one in it; you ALWAYS have to be fair) who took it fairly well. He went over to a kiddy chair that we have and proceeded to sit in it. Within one minute, Matthew was trying to get in the kiddy chair. This led to a crying screaming match from both of them.
How did I solve the problem?
Put Matthew in the original fighting chair, Sam in the kiddy chair, made the face each other, and CRY IT OUT. They both were losing it, tears and everything. All the while, the neighbor, Kaylee's Dad, was outside raking leaves. So I'm sure he thought they were being tortured. Not to mention they were reaching decibels that could have easily traveled 3 blocks. So when I ask you for a letter to CPS that I am a good parent, please be kind.
Not to worry after about 10 minutes, they had both calmed down and were playing with each other as if nothing had ever happened. Do you think this is a trait that kids have or is it a man/boy thing?????