7 Years, 8 Months & finally the Tooth Fairy will get to dig under Matthew's pillow! I was starting to get worried that Sam was going to lose a tooth before him. But finally one started wiggling and Matthew went to work on it. This afternoon he came running upstairs to tell me that he lost his tooth. I could figure it out because just a few days before, there was no way it was any where near falling out. Then he explained, he wiggled it a little, then grabbed it, and pulled! Oh well, better him than me. I was going to leave that parental duty to Kurt! Wonder what the tooth fairy will bring!?!?!
I am a full-time mom to two of the most wonderful, energetic boys and married to a hockey obsessed loving husband. I love chocolate, if it's not chocolate, it's not dessert. I love scrapbooking. I never get cliches right. I must be organized. I can't spell without spellcheck. I love the warmth of Texas. I must try to make everyone happy. I love sharing my life with others!!!!