On October 21st, we celebrated Matthew's 7
th Birthday...
To begin his day, he had his favorite breakfast....donuts! Of course, there was a candle, it is his birthday!

Then opening presents. He still of course loves receiving hockey guys!

And Sam was super excited to see Matthew open what he had gotten him...an Indiana Jones
DS game.

On to Hockey....what day would not be complete without hockey in it...especially on his birthday.
To complete his 7th birthday, we dined at Plucker's and were treated to just about the best dessert on the face of the earth......Fried Twinkies with Ice Cream.

I can't believe my little boy is now 7 years old. Everyday he amazes me with his talent, in reading, math, getting along with others, his hockey skills, and being the thoughtful, sweet, sweet boy that he can be.
Love ya Sweetie Bucks.....Happy, happy, happy birthday!!!