Ok. Yes, I'm still here. I just haven't taken the time to write anything down. Not that we have been exceptionally busy. I've just been exceptionally busy with things. I have a ton to do and don't want to do any of them. About the only thing I have been doing is running. Or I should say trying to run! I am training to do a 5K in our neighborhood at the end of October. Kurt and I are going to run it. Well, Kurt is going to run the entire thing. I'm training using a guide called 9 weeks from the couch to 5K. I've been training for 2 weeks and I won't be finished with the 9 weeks before the race, so Kurt is either going to have to kick my ass into gear on race day, or I'm going to have to walk. I really DON'T want to walk. I want to be able to run, but we shall see.
Other than that not much else has happened. I have nearly a dozen projects I want to do, but can't motivate myself to get going.
1. Paint and set up Sam's old room to Guest room with new linens.
2. Paint boys bathroom and set up with new towels, shower curtain, and decorative items.
3. Plant some Fall flowers in pots for front stoop since the temperature has reached below 100 degrees everyday.
4. Sell some stuff on Craig's list
6. Get carpets and window cleaned
7. Do some weeding in the backyard.
8. Make Matthew's birthday invites and get everything together for the party.
9. Work on the preschool Gala.
10. Oh, crap. I'm stopping now you get it I want to do a ton of stuff in the little time I have to myself.
I have done some things that I am proud of lately. I was a substitute teacher at the preschool twice, I have lost 5 pounds, actually took time to PLAY with the boys, going to church, and had a date night!!! Oh, let me throw in I've also been reading some books. My girlfriend, Sarah, has got me stuck on Nora Roberts. So when I read, I am soooooo slow. So nothing gets done!!!!! Just finished one tonight, Blue Smoke. It was really good. So I guess I gotta hit my to do list hard this weekend. Maybe I could pawn some of them onto Kurt's Honey Do!!!!
I do have a ton of pictures in my camera, I'll try to get those off the camera, into my computer, and onto the blog. Well, hang in there with me. I'll keep you posted with my life once I get back to it!!!