Many times people will ask us since we got to "pick" the sex of our children - why 2 boys. Of course I have my moments of not having a little girl - no nail polish, no dance recitals, no pms of two women under one roof. But we always thought that it would be so much fun for brothers. Neither Kurt or I have any brothers, so we thought it was a good idea.
Well for the past week and a half, Sam has been sleeping down in Matthew's room. We want them to share a room and thought the summer would be a good time to get them use to the idea. Well, we have had our ups and downs with that - Matthew keeps singing this cute song. He asks if Sam is going to sleep in his room the breaks into song "Party in the house, party in the house!!" (I am so afraid when he goes to college)
Well for the 2 of them, it has been a party. I went to check on them because I was going to bed - It was 9:30 pm and I found this.....

Both of them in the same bed, reading books and giggling. I took one look at them and thought - this is why we have two boys - so they can play, laugh, giggle, tickle, tease, fight, cry, and love each other the only way brothers can.